Monday, January 13, 2014

To Make The CONSTITUTION Part Of The School Syllabus

Among things that I think we need for a better future as a nation is better education system. Education today determines the fate of our nation tomorrow.
Apart from the proposal "free education for all", I think a more do able one would be "to make the constitution part of the school syllabus"

Well let me tell you how I got this idea,
Still remember those good old school days where we were forced to remember and recite the "rukunegara".


  • Do you know the legal standing of our national principle/rukunegara? Well it is just a principle and not legally enforceable. Highlighting the essence of the topic today which is the third clause of the rukunegara which is "KELUHURAN PERLEMBAGAAN" which means "CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY".

     Constitution is the highest form of law in our country. When I actually got to know this fact I felt very foolish of the system. Why ask me to remember and recite something all my life which is just mere principle and why not teach us our highest form of law, the CONSTITUTION itself!

    Thou I understand the constitution is drafted with many technical jargon's and legal terms yet knowing the constitution is way better than knowing all the nilai in Moral. You can carry your knowledge on constitution for throughout your life, with daily activities and knowing your limits as per the law and what good does knowing all your 36 nilai moral does to your life?

    Do you know that it is illegal for a guy to have sex with a 16 year old girl or below even if she consented?
    The guy would be charged for rape!  If he was thought of the law,more likely he would have not committed the offence or even at least he knows the consequent of his act. Which on my perspective would lower the possibilities of innocent youth being charged, prosecuted and be doomed for life. Is it his fault to be born as a guy?

    At the implementation level it might be difficult but as time goes students would be able to cope-up similar how they cope-up with the uncertain changes of language in which Math & Science be taught in schools and our "Sejarah" syllabus which varies from year to year.

    Though I think this is quite of a big leap but it is very essential to empower our youth today as the fate of the nation tomorrow lay in their hands.

    Perlembagaan Malaysia :

    Wednesday, January 1, 2014

    Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have an amazing 2014!

          Happy New Year 2014

    You are a dreamer,
    and you are an achiever.
    May you dream and achieve bigger feats,
    with every passing year.
    All the best for the new year 2014.
    Enjoy 2014 !!!