Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rally / Demonstration Here and There ! Why ?!

Its sad how every time you open a newspaper or turn on the television or radio these days, you invariably come across news on demonstrations and sometimes violent protests somewhere. I can bet on that !
Recently, demonstrations have broken out in Moscow, Manchester, Manila, Jakarta, London,  Dakar, Montreal, Yangon, Chicago, Jerusalem, Madrid, Frankfurt, Athens, New Delhi,  Mexico City, Santiago, Kuala Lumpur, and outside the residence of Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, to name just a few. 
As I ponder, the question that comes to mind is why are so many people worldwide so raged these days?

To be sure, the reasons that drive people to the streets differ from place to place but there might well be a sense of common frustration behind much of the anger – the bewildering pace of change, the confusing complexity of life and the sense of their own helplessness. It’s a sort of system failure on a GRAND scale.
In an age of political liberation. The people are told that their votes count, that they get to choose who rules them and how. They cast their ballots but does it really make a difference?
Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal, or whatever else politicians call themselves, in the end they all come out smelling the same.
They make promises they cannot keep, they say one thing and do something else, they have more ideology than common sense, they brag about their economic heroism but makes a mess of the economy and abuse their power because they know they can always get away from it. 

The economy is struggling, even the America's. World leaders gather for great summits and conferences ,they spend billions of dollars on it but they don’t have any real answers. One day they tout the wisdom of austerity ( deficit-cut by lowering expenditure), the next they brag about stimulus packages. 

They spend lavishly and then demand that the people tighten their belts. In the meantime, jobs opportunity diminish , taxes are going up, standards of living are falling and future prospects are dimming.

If leaders and economists are having such a hard time managing the economy, think how difficult and helpless ordinary/lay people must feel.
Can it be that the global financial system has become so complex that we no longer know how to manage it anymore? Can it be that the system has become so corrupt and open to manipulation that ordinary people no longer stand a fair chance of prospering from it?
Across the world, the rich are getting richer and the rest are getting poorer !
And what does it say of a system that rewards the CEO of a failing company more than RM96mil a year? Can any man’s labour be worth RM96mil a year when a huge chunk of the world has to get by on a few dollars a day?
Whatever our citizenship/religious view , we were all brought up to believe that if we worked hard, saved and go by the rules, we could someday look forward to a better life, that our children would go further than us. People in many countries, including industrialised ones, are now discovering that such dreams can quickly turn into nightmares.
Clearly, it is not as much about hard work, thrift and careful personal economy but about power, influence and connections; the ultimate ugly truth! We are all just serfs now in a globalization manipulated by ruling elites.
The system stink and the serfs are rising up and it’s not just politics or economics; the uncertainty touches almost everything these days.
Eggs are good for you one day and bad for you the next ! Latest reports indicate that researchers are now confused by data suggesting that exercise might be bad for you. (Got it from : )
If they, themselves are confused and what about us? Who and what are we to believe? How do you make decisions when the science keeps changing all the time? Have we become too smart for our own good?
 When man concludes that he’s up against forces beyond his control, when he knows his voice doesn’t count anymore, when he sees his hopes and dreams recede, the streets become his parliament and his shouts become his vote !
In different forms and shades, expect to see more and more people all over the world taking it to the streets to shout and scream their rage ! - mark my words-  It may be all that’s left to them. 

All for a better future ahead, for us and our generations to come.

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