Saturday, February 4, 2012

Divorcing your parents?

One of my friend recently asked me some legal opinion. His question was about us divorcing our parents. I bet you would have thought of divorcing our parents too. We teenagers generally don’t really get along with our parents. Well back to the topic.
The original question was : Explain law matter’s involved on us divorcing our parents. The fact that we can divorce wife but not parents. Why is that so?

First of all, you can divorce your wife as there exist a contractual dealing called marriage. The definition of marriage is; an agreement between a man and woman to live together as husband and wife. Thus recognizing a marriage for purposes of giving the other party (wife/husband) the rights of a spouse, including inheritance or employee benefits. So a divorce is a legal phase of you getting out of the contact.

P/s: Contract mean’s an agreement in which the parties exchange promises for each to do something in the future

In parent-child relationship a legal contract does not exist for you to get out of it. This is simply because you can’t choose your parents and vice versa. If children were given a chance to choose their parents sure they will not choose poor parents.  The law recognizes them as your parents but no contracts exist but still the law requires parents to take care of their children. If they are abused or deprived from basic needs then the law steps in to take action against the parents. This is a protection under the Human Rights Act 1998.
Furthermore, you can’t divorce your parents because if you were to divorce your parents who’s going to take care of your expenses? In which, if you are an adult you can choose to stay away from your parents. Mentally you divorce them.

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